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Hello Internet, it's Beth x

Hello internet!
It's Beth here. I've been thinking about how to write this first blog post for a while now, but I've been unsure how. I have always wanted a blog, but I've never had the guts to make one and put it out there for anyone to see. But I finally thought I should just go for it because at the end of the day the only person stopping me is myself. It's going to take me a while for me to get used to the novelty of starting a blog, but that will be exciting and something for me to focus on this summer.

I can already predict that my first few posts are going to be awkward and it may take me a while to get into writing a blog, so I apologise in advance if my posts are a bit all over the place in the first few months.

So, let me introduce myself. My name is Beth and I'm a sixteen year old girl (as of a couple of days ago) from the UK and I've recently just finished my GCSEs. I am an aspiring writer and plan to write about whatever nonsense springs to mind, whether that be my experiences, an article on a series issue young people face, random deep thoughts or even a poem; a little bit of me.

If you're still reading, thank you. I hope to see you again soon.

Enjoy my lovelies!

Love Beth x


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